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Source: Agriculture Information Institute



aBIOTECH is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes advanced, awesome, amazing research at the forefront of biotechnology, plant biology, and agricultural sciences and other relevant biological sciences. The journal was launched in 2018, and sponsored by Agriculture Information Institute (AII), Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. We encourage submissions of technological advancements and fundamental findings that enable further innovations and discoveries.


Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Yunde Zhao (University of California, San Diego, USA)


Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

  1. Technologies/strategies that control plant growth and development
  2. Plant transformation
  3. Genome editing and genome manipulation
  4. Innovative plant breeding approaches
  5. Plant-biotic/abiotic interactions
  6. Quantification and analysis of metabolites and other biological molecules
  7. Identification of useful genetic elements/gene functions
  8. Bioinformatics tools/algorithms


aBIOTECH is committed to provide readers free access (2019, 2020, 2021) to all aBIOTECH papers.  for maximum visibility! With Online First we offer rapid publication once your paper has been accepted.


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