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The 3rd International Agricultural Research Conference October 22, 2019 Beijing, China

Source: Department of International Cooperation

The International Agricultural Research Conference is an annual event hosted by the Centre for International Agricultural Research (CIAR) of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS) to release its think-tank products, promote dialogue and information exchange between multi-stakeholders and build partnerships for overseas agricultural development and cooperation.


The 3rd International Agricultural Research Conference will be jointly hold by CIAR, the Department of International Cooperation of CAAS, the National Alliance for the Going Global of Agricultural Science and Technology and the Agricultural Research System Network for Agricultural International Cooperation on October 22nd, 2019 in Beijing, China.


Venue & Address

National Agricultural Library

No.12 Zhongguancun South Street, Haidian District, Beijing





Opening Ceremony and Keynote Speeches. CIAR will release its latest research outcome about the global market analysis for 19 major agricultural products, Country Report on agricultural development and cooperation for 16 Latin American countries and theoretical model on agricultural globalization and its phased technical research outcome.



Round Table Discussions on

1. Policy Coordination on Belt and Road Agricultural Development;

2. Global Practices and Experience from International Organizations;

3. Experiences from the National Alliance for the Going Global of Agricultural Science and Technology.


We welcome the attendees from government units, research institutions and agricultural enterprises to share information and exchange academic insights with our invited speakers from the ministries of Chinese government, international organizations in the UN system, private foundations, agricultural research institutions and major corporations engaged in agricultural overseas development, etc.



The conference is free of registration fee. Participants shall cover their expenses of travel and accommodation by themselves. Invited Speakers will be compensated for the travel and/or accommodation cost. Please confirm your attendance by filling the attached form and send it to ciar@qbtxtxz.com by October 15th, 2019.



Ms. LIU Xiaoyu, Dr. ZHANG Xuebiao

Tel: +86-10-82106289, +86-10-82107843

Fax: +86-10-82103127

E-mail: ciar@qbtxtxz.com




By LIU Xiaoyu
